Christ didn’t say, “I make new things.” He said, “I make ALL things new.” The profundity of the Scriptures sets the stage for a renewal of mind and heart – a new creation story, a new Adam, a new Eve, a new covenant and even a new kingdom! Encounter God the Father. Meet your spiritual father. Enlighten your mind with spiritual truths that will help transform the world. Become a new creation in Christ and allow mercy to consume your miseries. Seize the day!
“That Man Is You!” (aka. TMIY) is a Catholic men’s program that provides 1) a natural place to develop friendships with other men at St. James Cathedral, 2) a solid foundation of our faith through incredibly insightful video talks by nationally renown speakers, 3) real and relevant conversations in small group discussions about our rolls as husbands, fathers, brothers and friends as it relates to our Catholic faith walk and 4) a hot breakfast and coffee that is pretty out of this world!!!
The fall semester with brand new content from TMIY (“All Things New”) begins Friday, September 11 at 6:30am in the social hall. We’ll meet every Friday morning at the same time through and including Friday, December 11 (with a break the Friday directly after Thanksgiving).
We look forward to many new faces this year as we seek clarity in our faith during this very unprecedented year of uncertainty, confusion and unrest. Discover a new relationship with Christ, discover new friendships right here in your home parish and discover a new connection to your Catholic faith as you discover that man is YOU!
That Man Is You