“Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Faith Formation
Spiritual formation is a lifelong journey, an ongoing maturation of faith as we continually respond to God’s love, while growing deeper in our understanding and increasing in faith and love for the Lord. It is with great joy that St. James catechists, along with parents, prepare the children to receive the sacraments and accompany them into a closer walk with God. Learn more about our Faith Formation program by joining us St. James Cathedral for meetings.
CHILDREN (PK-3- 6th)
“Believing parents, with their daily example of life, have the most effective capacity to transmit the beauty of the Christian faith to their children.” (Directory for Catechesis, 124) Our programs strive to assist parents in the fulfillment of their educational mission to become above all the first catechists of their own children. This year, we will be using a family catechesis model for Children’s Faith Formation. This will be a combination of meeting once a month on the school campus and parent led catechesis at home for the remainder of the month.
Sacraments of Initiation
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
Children take part in faith formation or a Catholic school one year prior the reception of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion at St. James takes place in second grade. Children take part in faith formation one year prior to receiving these sacraments, as well as participate the year of its reception. Learn more here about our 2023-2024 schedule for First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation.
Children take part in faith formation or a Catholic school one year prior the Sacrament of Confirmation is typically celebrated in either seventh or eighth grade at St. James. Students participate in faith formation at least one year prior to celebrating the sacrament, as well as participate the year of its reception. Learn more about our 2024 Teen Confirmation process by clicking here.