“With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:2-3

Faith Formation
St. James Cathedral is committed to forming disciples of Jesus Christ. Faith must be known, celebrated, lived, and expressed in prayer.

Young Adults
Young Adults was formed in August 2012 in response to a need for a parish group that ministers to young parishioners in their 20s and 30s, both single and married.

Women’s Bible Study
Meets every Monday or Wednesday mornings.

Vacation Bible School
VBS is a one-week summer event with activities, bible stories, and team building.

Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry is designed to reach out to young Catholics to help them grow in their faith and deepen their commitment to Christ and His Church.
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Baptismal Preparation for Parents
Classes prepare couples and godparents for the Baptism of their child/godchild.

That Man is You
An interactive men’s ministry that combines scientific research with Catholic teachings and the wisdom of saints to develop the vision of men to become better fathers, husbands, and leaders.
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Spanish Prayer Group
Meets every Thursday at 6:30PM.