“Once you were no people but now you are God’s people.” -1 Peter: 2:10 Volunteer Interest Form Name* First Last Phone*Email* I want to help with* Time & Talent Treasure My strengths include: Cooking & Baking Technology Working with Children Visiting with People Greeting Gardening Manual Labor/Strength Planning Set-up & Clean-up Assisting in Celebrations Musician Other… I would specifically like to help with: Select All Adult Choir Altar Servers Arts and Environment Baptismal Preparation for Parents Bereavement Ministry Bus Service Carmelites Children’s Choir Coffee and Donuts Cursillo Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Faith Formation Gift Shop Knights of Columbus Lector Marriage Preparation Prime Timers Reception Desk Spanish Prayer Group St. Vincent de Paul Society That Man is You Usher Vacation Bible School Women’s Bible Study Young Adults Youth Ministry Other… Other Skills:*Other Ministry/Event*Online GivingGiving Options Please contact me about my donation I would like more information on other ways to donate