“I rejoiced when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD.” Psalm 122

Whether you are a parish member or visiting our site for the first time, have moved and are joining our parish or are returning to your Catholic Faith, I want to personally welcome you to St. James Cathedral.
Life in our parish is always new and ever changing. Our large and dynamic community is a community of disciples celebrating the presence of Jesus through liturgy and ministry. Grace and Providence brought you to St. James Cathedral, where you will encounter and celebrate Jesus.
God has given each one of us many gifts which He wants us to use to build up His family here at St. James Cathedral. All of us are called and all of us have something important to contribute. We are invited to be good stewards, taking care of the gifts we have received and using them for God and for each other. The blessings that we return to God are our expression of thanksgiving and gratitude benefiting countless others in our community of faith.
Our website holds many opportunities to engage in the life of St. James Cathedral and see where God may be calling you to participate. If you have any questions on how you can share your gifts, our staff is always available to assist you. We are very glad you are here and look forward to getting to know you.
I pray that the Lord may bless you and your family with peace!
Very Reverend Miguel González
Rector of St. James Cathedral