“They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.” Acts 2: 42

Altar Servers
Members of the St. James Knights of the Altar serve at weekend Masses, on Holy Days of Obligation, for weddings, and for other liturgies throughout the year.

Lectors proclaim Scripture Readings at Mass and other services.

Children’s Choir
St. James Cathedral’s Children’s Choir offers choral opportunities to boys and girls in second grade or older.

Arts and Environment
A small group of people who decorate the Cathedral for Holy Days. Relies heavily on seasonal volunteers.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
An EMHC serves the St. James Cathedral worshipping community by assisting the priests and deacons with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass.

Adult Choir
The St. James Cathedral Choir is a group of very talented adults who sing for the 10:30 Solemn Mass and various other celebrations throughout the year.
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Ushers take on the role of greeters, assist with seating before Mass, assist with taking up collections, and distribution of the weekly bulletin.